Friday, August 27, 2010

In The Fashionista's Closet: Spotted and Dotted

*This should have been Friday's post but I got busy so here ya go.....
I almost didn't post pics today, I thought this skirt wasn't particularly flattering after looking at the pics, I should have worn my spanx but I am anti- spanx right now. *I will don them for church but it's 89542461503129182123448.6 degrees outside and I didn't feel like I needed them for this skirt until now.

 I have been working out by doing cardio for the past two weeks hoping to lose 10 pounds total but not even 1 pound will budge! I gave up bread for two weeks and lost 4 pounds without working out but I am trying to do the right thing and add exercise to my repertoire to maximize my results.

I am the type of person who needs to see immediate results or I throw my hands up in frustration but I will keep at it. Any insight you readers may have is appreciated, do I need to add weights, do yoga, what? I have been a sporadic worker-outer in the past but I know that I need to add it into my lifestyle for good. I used to jump rope, attended kickboxing classes, did rollerblading and aerobics so I need something that will keep my attention and preferably I can do at home.

P.S. I got the part time job, I start Monday in addition to teaching so I need to get a good night's sleep.....

P.S.S. The cricket is dead.....I had to use a whole can of Raid and no thanks to my leasing office, they didn't take it seriously and didn't send someone out until two days later so I had to open the vent and remove the air filter and spray directly into the vent. It smelled like bug spray for a while but I got that sucker! *I thought I was being punked, it was a sight to see.*

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